Constructive cooperation
Street lighting in Piflas belongs again to the market Ergolding
Press release from May 21, 2019
Since 1 May 2019, the market Ergolding is again in the possession of street lighting in the network area of Stadtwerke Landshut on Ergoldinger reason. Stadtwerke Landshut enables the Ergolding market to obtain this substantial public subsidy for the modernization of street lighting. These funds would have been denied Stadtwerke Landshut due to the funding guidelines.
Previously, the market town council in its meeting in mid-April had already approved the purchase, as well as the works council of Stadtwerke Landshut. A working group, consisting of employees of the building authority of the market administration and the Stadtwerke, prepared for months the change of ownership and the necessary contracts.
Both parties praised the very constructive cooperation with a meaningful result at the signing ceremony. In the future, we will also pay attention to where cooperation between local partners is possible.
The modernization of the street lighting has the comprehensive conversion of street lighting on LED technology to the goal. Stadtwerke Stadtwerke has been using LED luminaires as standard in new development areas for some years now, but the more than 440 burners in Ergolding are still equipped with conventional light sources.
The municipalities are responsible for the street lighting due to the legal lighting obligation. In Ergolding, street lighting accounts for more than two-thirds of the annual electricity costs of its own properties. Converting to LED could save around 70 percent of the electricity bill each year in terms of the number of luminaires purchased, so the conversion will pay for itself within a very short time.
In Landshut, the street lighting is owned by the city of Landshut and the municipal utilities provide for their maintenance.
At the signing of the purchase contract - from left: Stefan Walter (Netzbetrieb Stadtwerke Landshut), Plant Manager Armin Bardelle, Ergolding Mayor Andreas Strauß, Thomas Leineweber (Climate Protection Manager Ergolding) and Jürgen Baron (Network Manager). © Stadtwerke Landshut
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
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