Precise process verification

Public utilities are at the highest level in terms of safety

Press release from May 24, 2019

A smooth supply of electricity, gas and water is a matter of course in Landshut. The municipal utilities are there for that. The fact that just-in-time delivery works reliably and safely is of fundamental importance to everyone. In order to ensure this, Stadtwerke Landshut can be voluntarily tested by the associations DVGW (German Association of the Gas and Water Industry) and FNN (Forum Netztechnik und Netzbetrieb in the VDE) for the gas, water and electricity supply sectors. The associations have developed extensive guides that are constantly updated to keep up with the latest developments. Those who pass the exams are rewarded with a certificate for technical safety management and receive the so-called TSM seal. It is valid for five years, after which a re-examination is required.

Stadtwerke received a certificate for electricity as well as for gas and water at the beginning of the year. On Friday, 24.05.2019, the managing director of DVGW Landesgruppe Bayern, Jörn-Helge Möller, handed over the certificates personally in Landshut. It was the second test for the electricity sector and the third for gas and water. "This again confirms that our construction and operating processes have a high safety standard," says Markus Huber. He and his colleague Daniel Hammerl, as technical executives at Stadtwerke, are responsible for implementing the TSM requirements for the certified supply lines.

A TSM exam is very extensive. More than 500 questions from different topics have to be answered and answered. The auditors not only see documentation or reports, but also get an idea of whether the employees are qualified according to current requirements, whether all machines and systems are properly maintained and whether all technical standards or regulations of the employers' liability insurance association are observed.

Many employees are ultimately involved in technical safety management in some form. The technical safety management is not as well known in the public as, for example, the certifications according to the DIN standards series. But for a utility company, TSM is the more important management system, as it very precisely verifies the very specific requirements of the care business. Overall, the auditors in their final report attested to an excellently functioning TSM for the sectors examined.

The sewage sector of Stadtwerke was also certified four years ago. Here, too, the auditors confirmed a high-performance organization that ensures safe, reliable and environmentally friendly sanitation with qualified staff and good technical equipment. The next re-certification, which is also required after five years, is already in the starting blocks.

The District Heating division is also preparing for the first TSM exam. And in the area of production, the municipal utilities would like to be certified afterwards. "Our goal is to establish the TSM in all areas of municipal utilities, where possible," says plant manager Armin Bardelle. "The TSM is a good tool for us, which supports the reliable, customer-oriented and economic fulfillment of our diverse tasks. And by the confirmation from the outside, the certification ultimately has more weight than a mere self-declaration. "


Contact for more information:

Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222

Picture: Armin Bardelle, Daniel Hammerl, Jörn-Helge Möller, Markus Huber, Jürgen Baron (from left). © Stadtwerke Landshut

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