Bus diversion because of Lindenfest
Line management via "Am Gänsgraben"
Press release from July 31, 2019
Ergolding. Because of the Linde Festival of the volunteer fire department, the Lindenstraße is closed on Sunday, 04.08.2019, from 6 to 24 clock for all traffic. The diversion of the city bus lines 2 and 12 and the evening line 102 is on Sunday all day in both directions on the road "Am Gänsgraben". The stops "Ergolding / Rathaus", "Bahnhofstraße" and "Peterskirche" can not be reached during this time.
Along the detour route spare stops are set up in both directions.
These are located at the crossroads Am Gänsgraben / Jägergasse, Am Gänsgraben / Weichselgasse and Am Gänsgraben / Bäckerstraße. The departure times remain the same as at the original stops.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222