Career & Education
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Dedicated team players wanted
For all, who one meaningfuln job love
Schön, dass Sie sich für eine Karriere bei den Stadtwerken Landshut interessieren. Bei uns können Sie durch Ihre Arbeit zur Lebensqualität der Menschen beitragen. Tagtäglich kümmern sich rund 500 Mitarbeiter um die Versorgung und die Infrastrukturen der city Landshut and the surroundingn communities. Without the employees of Stadtwerke Landshut a lot would stand still.
In addition to versatile work, there are additional benefits for employees at Stadtwerke:
- health Management
- Training opportunities
- pay to Collective agreement supply (TV-V)
- in public transport payment to Collective Agreement Local Transport (TV-N) With Collective agreement demographics
- eine zusätzliche, komplett arbeitgeberfinanzierte betriebliche Altersversorgung
- free employeeEvents
- Employee discounts at various retailers
- depending on the task profile partially Home office possible

Do you have questions about a job offer?
Phone: 0871 1436 2806
Job offers
In our applicant portal you will get an overview of our vacancies and you can apply there as well. We look forward to receiving your application!

An apprenticeship with future and perspective - that's what we have. Every year we train in about ten different occupations.
Are you wondering what you are after school könntest? The training offer is huge and actually you do not know exactly, which tasks one has there in the different occupations so? Look at us. By clicking on the respective occupation you will find the description of the tasks and what strengths are required. A summary Overview you get in our Education brochure. Apply now online via our applicant portal.
At Stadtwerke you can expect a collegial environment in which responsible action, environmental protection, sustainability and customer friendliness play a major role.
Du erhältst bei uns eine Bezahlung nach dem Tarifvertrag TVAöD (Entgelttabelle 2024, Stand: 01.03.2024):
- Ausbildungsjahr: 1.218,16 € (brutto)
- Ausbildungsjahr: 1.268,20 € (brutto)
- Ausbildungsjahr: 1.314,02 € (brutto)
- Ausbildungsjahr: 1.377,59 € (brutto)
There are also:
Annual special: 90% of the training allowance with the salary payment in the month of November
Final premium: 400,00 € (gross)
Capital accumulation benefits: 13.29 € per month
- Working time: 39 hours a week
- Vacation: 30 training days
- Probation: three months