Parkhaus an der Freyung bei Nacht

Park homes

The parking garage in the city center

Nur fünf Gehminuten von der historischen Altstadt und der Fußgängerzone sowie allen wichtigen Geschäften und Lokalitäten befindet sich das Parkhaus Zentrum auf der Mühleninsel. Auf vier Geschossen gibt es 270 Stellplätze, davon 20 Frauenstellplätze sowie drei Behindertenstellplätze. Das Parkhaus hat zudem Toiletten, two loading places for e-vehicles and eight charging options for e-bikes and a lift.

The cash machine has integrated paper money changers, which change up to 20 euros. In both parking garages there are toilets that are regularly cleaned and maintained. The entrance height in the parking garage center is 2.00 meters.

Prices & opening hours

Parking garage center | Badstr. 1 | 84028 Landshut | The first 30 minutes are free!
Times Mo. - Sun. Preise seit 01.08.2015
6:00 am - 7:00 pm 2,00 € (per started hour)
6:00 am - 7:00 pm 12,00 € daily rate (maximum rate)
19.00 - 06.00 6,00 € flat rate * (maximum rate)
* less than 3 hours of parking is subject to the hourly rate



The cash machine has an integrated paper money changer up to 20 euros. In the parking garage center can also be changed at the information money for the machines. A payment by debit card is possible. Toilets are also available, which are regularly cleaned and maintained.


Opening times for retraction

(The exit is possible around the clock.)

Monday - Thursday 06.00 - 01.00 clock
Friday Saturday 06.00 - 02.00
Sunday 08.00 - 02.00 clock
residential pitches

In addition to our short-term parking, we also offer interested parties the opportunity to rent permanent parking spaces in our car parks. For electric vehicles, there are three permanent parking spaces with a charging device. (The cost of electricity charges are individually according to consumption according to the tariff ecoMax calculated - plus rental price for permanent parking according to the current price list).

The cost of a permanent parking space currently amounts to:

Parking garage center | Badstr. 1 | 84028 Landshut
Preise seit 01.08.2015
Day parker (6 am - 7 pm + weekend) 65.00 € / month
Night parker (17.00 - 09.00 o'clock + weekend) 54.00 € / month
Long-term parker (unrestricted) 81,00 € / month
motorcycles 27.00 € / month


opening hours

Holders of permanent parking spaces can drive in and out of their car park card around the clock.


Address: Parking Garage Center | Badstr. 1 | 84028 Landshut

Einfahrt zum Parkhaus Altstadt Zentrum
Einfahrt zum Parkhaus An der Freyung

Parking garage on the Freyung

Das Parkhaus „An der Freyung“ liegt am Ostportal des Josef-Deimer-Tunnels. Behörden wie das Finanzamt, das Gericht, die Regierung von Niederbayern oder die Landesversicherungsanstalt sowie das Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium, die Fachoberschule und die Technikerschule befinden sich sternförmig verteilt nur wenige Gehminuten rund um das Parkhaus „An der Freyung“. Auch für Besucher des Haferlmarktes in der Freyung ist dieses Parkhaus ein guter Tipp.

Das Parkhaus „An der Freyung“ liegt sehr günstig für alle, die auf der Ringumgehung Landshut aus Richtung Westen kommen. Das Parkhaus wurde 1988 erbaut und bietet 184 Stellplätze, davon 15 Frauenstellplätze, zwei Behindertenstellplätze und Toiletten. Der Kassenautomaten verfügt über integrierte Papiergeldwechsler. Die Einfahrthöhe im Parkhaus „An der Freyung“ beträgt 1,90 Meter.

Prices & opening hours

Parking garage "An der Freyung" | Gestütstr. 1 | 84028 Landshut
opening hours Preise seit 01.09.2021
Monday to Sunday
05.30 - 24.00 1,20 € (je angefangener Std)
05.30 - 24.00 8,50 € Tagespauschale (Höchstsatz)



The cash machine has an integrated paper money changer up to 20 euros. A payment by debit card is possible. Toilets are also available, which are regularly cleaned and maintained. The exit is possible around the clock.

residential pitches

In addition to our short-term parking, we also offer interested parties the opportunity to rent permanent parking spaces in our car parks. Also for electric vehicles, there are three permanent parking spaces with charging device. (The cost of electricity charges are individually according to consumption according to the tariff ecoMax calculated - plus rental price for permanent parking according to the current price list).

The cost of a permanent parking space currently amounts to:

Parking garage "An der Freyung" | Gestütstr. 1 | 84028 Landshut
Preise seit 01.09.2021
Dauerparker 70,00 € /Monat
Duration parker students 46,00 € /Monat


opening hours

Holders of a permanent parking space can drive in and out of their car park card at any time.


Address: Parking garage "An der Freyung" | Gestütstr. 1 | 84028 Landshut