On this page you will find everything about the topic " House connection and »Plan information.
House connection - General
What is a house connection?
House connections are the connection between the utility's network and your (building) installations. This interface contains the defined transfer point and its supply line. As a rule, the transfer point is provided by the house connection fuse (for electricity), the main shut-off device (for natural gas and drinking water) and the main gate valve (for district heating). Depending on the medium, the supply line (s) is / are designed as a cable (electricity, TV, telecommunications) or as a pipe (natural gas, district heating, drinking water). After the power requirement you have planned, the dimensioning and execution of the transfer point or the supply line is selected.
Cable laying work is carried out in the network area of Stadtwerke Landshut exclusively by the public utilities or by a qualified installation company commissioned by you. House connections are the property of Stadtwerke Landshut.
Fußbodeneinführungen für nicht unterkellerte Gebäude werden ausschließlich von den Stadtwerken Landshut zur Verfügung gestellt. Hierbei wird pro beantragter Sparte Strom, Gas und Wasser eine separate Einführung verwendet. Bei der Sparte Strom haben Sie wahlweise die Möglichkeit eine Doppeleinführung zu erhalten, um diese später eventuell für die Sparte Telekommunikation zu verwenden. Die Kosten für Fußbodeneinführungen sind im Anschlusspreis bereits enthalten.
Bei Anschlussleistungen über 100 kW wird die Doppeleinführung ausschließlich für die Anschlussleitungen benötigt. Einführungen für Telekommunikation sind dann bauseits auf eigene Kosten einzubringen.
Die Abholung der Fußbodeneinführungen ist erst nach Auftragserteilung möglich. Bitte setzen Sie sich vor der Abholung mit unseren Lagermitarbeitern unter der Telefonnummer 08 71 / 14 36 – 20 22 in Verbindung. Die Fußbodeneinführungen können anschließend von Montag bis Donnerstag von 7.00 bis 12.00 Uhr und von 12.30 bis 16.00 Uhr sowie Freitag von 7.00 bis 12.00 Uhr im Lager der Stadtwerke Landshut bei folgender Adresse abgeholt werden:
Stadtwerke Landshut
Christoph-Dorner-Straße 9
84028 Landshut
Je nach Ausführung befindet sich eine Fußbodeneinführung auf einer Einwegpalette mit max. 1,2 x 1,2 m. Diese wird Ihnen von unseren Lagermitarbeitern per Gabelstapler auf Ihr Transportfahrzeug aufgeladen. Sorgen Sie daher bitte für eine geeignete Transportmöglichkeit, idealerweise einen Anhänger.
Wichtig! Sollten die Fußbodeneinführungen nicht fachgerecht eingebaut werden, sodass eine spätere Erstellung des Hausanschlusses nicht möglich ist, wird der Übergabepunkt außerhalb des Gebäudes erstellt. Gegebenenfalls entstehende Mehrkosten werden an Sie weiterverrechnet.
In der Regel sind Versorgungsleitungen in folgenden Tiefenbereichen verlegt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Angaben den Regelfall betreffen, es aber auch Ausnahmen geben kann, zum Beispiel bei sehr alten Leitungen oder aufgrund baulicher Bedingungen.
Water: about 1.50 m - 1.60 m
Natural gas: approx. 0.90 m - 1.00 m
Electricity: approx. 0.60 m - 0.80 m
District heating: approx. 0.80 m - 1.20 m
On a construction site, a lot of digging and dredging - to save a lot of time and trouble, is a so-called Inventory planning information recommended. Of course, for you as a client free of charge the Stadtwerke Landshut service will give you information as to whether and where exactly the supply and disposal lines of our network are located on your property. Without this plan information, there is always the risk of damaging cables already laid underground. If necessary, lines of other legal entities may also be relocated on your property. The exam is usually up to you as the builder.
If you or a company commissioned by you inadvertently damages supply or disposal lines during work, you are obliged to immediately inform the responsible legal entity so that greater damage can be averted.
A provisional construction water connection will supply your construction site with water until the final power connection is completed. You can apply for your construction water connection with the grid connection application.
In agreement with you or the installation company you have appointed, we will then determine a suitable connection point near your construction project where your company can set up a construction water distributor.
There are various possibilities:
- pre-routed drinking water house connection
- If a waste water connection is made at the beginning of your construction project, it is usually possible to lay a drinking water house connection to the property boundary and to set up a construction water tapping point there (at this pre-routed house connection).
- separate drinking water house connection
- If an existing building has to be demolished, it makes sense to move the building water through the existing drinking water service connection. This is separated at the property boundary. Thereafter, a construction water meter is attached to the separate line. This must be protected against frost and mechanical damage.
To ensure that the provisional construction water connection can be set up in good time, it is best to commission it approximately five weeks before the start of construction.
- If an existing building has to be demolished, it makes sense to move the building water through the existing drinking water service connection. This is separated at the property boundary. Thereafter, a construction water meter is attached to the separate line. This must be protected against frost and mechanical damage.
Your way to the house connection for electricity, gas, water and district heating
Stadtwerke Landshut offers you easy access to the house connections for electricity, natural gas, water and district heating in four steps:
Eine frühzeitiger Application for grid connection ermöglicht eine termingerechte Ausführung Ihrer Hausanschlüsse. Wenden Sie sich bitte an eine eingetragene Elektroinstallationsfirma Ihrer Wahl. Diese wird zusammen mit Ihnen die Anmeldung für Sie ausfüllen und bei uns einreichen.
Please note: Only registered gas and water contract installers may install the gas and water service connections. An overview of the gas and water contract installers of Stadtwerke Landshut can be found in installer directory.
Further information and technical connection conditions can be found under Networks for Strom, natural gas and district heating and under water.
For all house connections electricity, gas, water, district heating as well as for the building electricity and construction water connection we need a completed and signed Application for grid connection.
And also the following documents:
- a copy of the official building plan of the building on a scale of 1: 1.000 with registered dimensions (plot length, building distance from the borders), if this was not already supplied with the application for the provisional building electricity connection
- a basement and / or ground floor plan in the scale 1: 100. On this please mark the desired service room or place
- For more than three customer systems, we need a project diagram.
Auf der Grundlage Ihres Netzanschlussantrags und nach technischer Prüfung erstellen wir Ihnen ein Angebot zur Herstellung Ihres Hausanschlusses, das genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt ist. Es führt die für Ihr Bauvorhaben geeignetste Netzanschlussvariante ebenso auf wie die Netzanschluss- und Inbetriebsetzungskosten auf.
To entrust us with the construction of the house connection, please sign the offer and send it back to us.
Once we have signed the contract, we will create your power connection.
Your grid connection is made as soon as a lockable room has been set up for the meter and the wall surface for the installation of the mains connection has been plastered. (For the water-house connection no lockable room is required.) With the order documents you will get an overview with all contact persons of the departments. For the exact appointment please contact one of our masters. For the agreed date, it is important that the line and the connection point are freely accessible and, where appropriate, that it is possible to work with construction vehicles and equipment.
Please note:
Depending on the workload, we usually require about four weeks lead time for the execution of the house connections.
After the installation and the grid connection have been completed, your installer will certify to you and us by means of a commissioning notice that all work has been carried out professionally and completely. After the commissioning display, the measuring device (meter) is installed and your mains connection is put into operation.
Changes to the network connection essentially include the conversion, extension, dismantling or dismantling of a customer system as well as the change of grid connection capacity, the protection concept and changes to the metering system.
Regardless of the measure you intend, we also need a connection request and documents for further processing.
Your way to the canal connection
Tips for planning and manufacturing of land drainage systems
The planning and production of the real estate drainage system must be carried out according to the currently valid EN and DIN standards as well as the generally accepted rules according to the state of the art.
We would like to give you a snapshot here Guide to reviewing the intended planning to avoid possible mistakes and subsequent annoyance in the operation of the property owner or in the acceptance by the public utilities.
This compilation is not a complete guide to planning and makes no claim to completeness. More information about Site drainage read also under sewage.
Timetable information
Our service for construction companies, engineering offices and property owners
Leitungsauskünfte (Spartenauskunft)
In order to avoid damage to the cables during civil engineering work, the exact position of the supply lines must be clarified before starting work. This is required by law, as damaged lines pose a significant risk potential. Please also note our leaflet "Planning documents for the preparation of excavation work".
And please do not forget: Lines are routed everywhere, both in public and in private land. In the city area are also lines of other providers.
Online-Planauskunft (Spartenauskunft)
To inquire about network information at Stadtwerke Landshut, click here Online planning information.
Before first use, you must first register there and confirm the terms of use.
As soon as you have received your access data by e-mail, you can request the desired map section. At the moment every information has to be checked by us. However, most of the time you have the plans as a PDF file on the same day. Should be in the desired plan detail z. If, for example, a current building project of Stadtwerke Landshut is located, the plan information must first be manually revised by us. You will receive information as soon as you can download the plans.
Do you have questions about the routing information?
Phone: 0871 1436 2345