Fees Contributions
On this page you will find everything about the topics »Dirty water charge, »Rainwater fee and
»Channel production contribution.
Wastewater charge
Used water from the household, which, for example, flows through the toilet when washing clothes or showers, is discharged into the sewage system and then cleaned in the sewage treatment plant before it is fed to the Isar. For the public utilities charge a fee, the so-called dirty water charge. One cubic meter of drinking water (measured via the water meter) leads to exactly one cubic meter of wastewater.
Die aktuelle Schmutzwassergebühr für die Stadt Landshut beträgt 1,71 € je Kubikmeter Schmutzwasser. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen können sich die gebührenpflichtigen Schmutzwassermengen reduzieren (z. B. Gartenwasser) oder erhöhen (Zuführung aus Eigengewinnungsanlage – Zisternen- oder Brunnenwasser in eine Brauchwasseranlage.) Dazu sind zusätzliche Zähler einzubauen.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Info
A refund of waste water charges is available on application to the Stadtwerke only in case of water pipe breaches or other detectable losses, in which the wastewater is not discharged into the public drainage system. This requires a repair invoice or other suitable proof.
Bei einem zusätzlichen Gartenwasserzähler auf dem Grundstück ziehen die Stadtwerke das zu viel an Abwasser am Ende des Jahres von der Schmutzwasserrechnung wieder ab. Ob sich ein zusätzlicher Zähler lohnt, hängt letztendlich von der verbrauchten Menge ab. Die Ersparnis wir oft überschätzt. Für zehn Kubikmeter Wasser, also für etwa 1.000 große Gießkannen beträgt die Gebührenreduzierung 17,10 € (Stand: 2021). Im Gegenzug müssen Eigentümer die Kosten für den Wasserzähler, dessen Einbau und die für die Eichung tragen.
The place of installation must be agreed with Stadtwerke Landshut. Further information on installation can be found in the information sheet garden water meter.
Precipitation charge
The precipitation water fee is charged if rainwater can not seep into the property due to built-up and paved (sealed) surfaces and instead can be routed to the public sewer system or drain. The more sealed areas on a property, the higher the fee.
Die aktuelle Niederschlagswassergebühr für die Stadt Landshut beträgt 0,63 € pro Quadratmeter versiegelter eingeleiteter Fläche.
Owners are obliged to report changes in the discharge areas immediately to Stadtwerke Landshut. Notifiable are in particular:
- Conversion from initiation to infiltration
- Creation of additional introduction areas
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Info
- All types of roofs
Special feature: For green roofs with a closed plant cover, there are possibilities to reduce the fee.
- All paved areas (asphalt, concrete, pavement, etc.)
If a tendency to introductory areas can not be avoided, is to achieve the royalty free zaulich z. B. by attaching hollow stones, Acco drain gutters, etc. to ensure the discharge in infiltration areas.
Special features: Coverings made of grass pavers and seepage or turf stones are classified as seepage material. So-called eco-paving is regularly charged with fees, as the percolation rates decrease significantly.
You will find an overview of the different types of paving and their fee treatment in the download area.
The rainwater flowing out of residential buildings is usually only slightly polluted and therefore does not need to be cleaned in the sewage treatment plant. Therefore, this rainwater can and should be seeped.
This will be
- Drainage system and wastewater treatment plant relieved and costs reduced.
- Flood and groundwater protection improved.
- Groundwater recharge possible.
Our tips for you:
Seal as little as possible!
- Make sure that as few surfaces as possible are attached impermeable to water.
- Use water-permeable coverings for yard areas, access roads and parking spaces (eg turf paving, lawn pavers).
Lost as much as possible!
- Prevent surface or trough infiltration, as a shaft infiltration often has too low a cleaning performance and due to the soil and groundwater conditions in the Isar valley is usually not approvable.
- Leave it as wide as possible on the side over unpaved surfaces.
Collect rainwater!
Collect the accumulated rainwater in cisterns or rainwater barrels and use it for garden irrigation etc.
Get the infiltration ability!
- Check your infiltration systems and wait regularly.
- Get the soakability of your water-permeable floor coverings, as with increasing compaction, a chargeable launch occurs.
If requested with proof, fees may be reduced by:
- Infiltration with overflow
- Cisterns for garden water use
- Cisterns for the use of industrial water (possibly with garden water use)
- Regulatory required and measured restraints
- Green roof with closed plant cover
You will find the prerequisites for the technically correctly prepared and backflow-free system from the application for the reduction of rainwater charges.
Channel Production Post
A sewer production contribution is due for the first time as soon as a property can be connected to the public sewer. Furthermore, a contribution is required for buildings either by the development of a previously undeveloped property or by the structural enlargement or change in use of an already built plot.
" Continue reading
The contribution amount in the city of Landshut is currently € 2.43 per square meter of land area and € 9.10 per square meter of taxable floor area.
The main questions in the development and calculation of the contribution obligation have been summarized in an information sheet for you.
Do you have questions about fees & contributions?
Phone: 0871 1436-2071 oder -2072
E-mail: abwasserbescheid@stadtwerke-landshut.de