Saunieren in Landshut


Let your soul dangle in our sauna area

Regular sauna sessions increase the body's natural defenses and improve your metabolism. The saunas of your skin, which are pure after the sauna in the truest sense of the word, are especially well-received. Relax and strengthen your body from the outside as well as from the inside.

+++ Liebe Saunagäste, die Kelo-Sauna steht diesen Freitag, 13.09.2024, von 15 bis voraussichtlich 16.30 Uhr wegen Filmaufnahmen vorübergehend nicht zur Verfügung. Der Zugang des Filmteams erfolgt über den äußeren Seiteneingang, sodass der weitere Saunabereich ungestört bleibt. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. +++

opening hours

Die Sauna ist seit 30.08. wie folgt geöffnet:

opening hours winter schedule
Monday Ladies and gentlemen 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday Men's 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday geschlossen
Thursday geschlossen
Friday Ladies 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday Ladies and gentlemen 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday Ladies and gentlemen 08:00 - 21:00

Belegungsplan Hallenbad Schulzeiten
An folgenden Tagen ist das Stadtbad geschlossen: Ostersonntag, Heiligabend, 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag, Silvester, Neujahr.

Einzelkarte Tagespreis         13,00 €
10 tickets         120,00 €

Preise enthalten 19 % USt.

The above prices include the use of the indoor pool and the outdoor pool.

Any questions?


Phone: 0871 1436 2232


The sauna landscape in Stadtbad Landshut

Treat yourself to a short break from everyday stress and make your visit to the sauna in Stadtbad Landshut a regular rest and pampering of your week.


Large Finnish sauna

Temperature: 85 - 90 ° C, humidity: approx. 10%, Seats: max. 20

Kelo Blocksauna

Kelo log sauna

outdoors: temperature: 80 - 85 ° C, humidity: approx. 15%, seats: max. 15

Biosauna mit Sternenhimmel

Bio sauna with starry sky

Temperatur: ca. 65° C, Luftfeuchtigkeit: ca. 45 – 55 %, Sitzplätze: max. 15


steam bath

Temperature: 45 - 50 ° C, humidity: 100%, Seats: max. 10


infrared cabin

Kaltwasser Tauchbecken

Cold water plunge pool

Refresh yourself after an intensive sauna session in our plunge pool.


rest area

Unwind and relax on comfortable loungers in our stylish relaxation room.

Tips for a relaxing sauna

  • In order to have the necessary leisure time, allow two to three hours of time.
  • The sauna should not be hungry, but also not to be visited with a full stomach.
  • Please shower before entering the sauna and dry off well, as dry skin sweats better.
  • Ideal are three passes, which can be completed sitting or lying. For beginners, seven to eight minutes in the cabin are ideal, for more than 15 minutes nobody should stay in the heat. The higher the bank, the higher the temperature there. Newcomers are welcome to sit down below. Absolutely take along is a large towel to underscore.
  • After each sauna session, the cooling follows. The alternating stimulus between hot and cold promotes the immune system and also trains the blood vessels. In winter, there is a short walk into the outdoors, a cold shower or an entrance to the plunge pool for the more experienced sauna visitors. People with high blood pressure cool off better with the Kneipp hose.
  • Now you should take a break of about 20 minutes in the rest area.
  • For the next round, the body is best prepared with a warm foot bath so that the blood vessels can expand.
Kelo-Blocksauna im Außenbereich