Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Info
Here are the most important answers.
Many roads lead to electricity from Stadtwerke Landshut: Just fill in the Tarifberater and choose the best electricity supply for you. Or you come in ours Customer center in the old town 74 and register in person. For both ways, the correct meter number and the expected annual consumption are important. If you know the current meter reading, we look forward to the status and the reading date.
In the case of a move, there are countless things that want to be organized or should be considered. Your meter readings for your electricity meters (and also the gas, water and / or heat meters) you can contact us when the time comes, Report, We then create your final statement on your extract date and send it to your new address. Even if you move in the city area is always a systemic reasons Registration and registration necessary.
You can switch between the rates of Stadtwerke Landshut at any time. Either you use ours Tarifberater or you will pass our customer center in the old town 74. If you would like to switch from another electricity provider to Stadtwerke Landshut, you can do so either in person or online via the Tarifberater take care of. For this we need a notice of termination from you or if you have terminated yourself, the termination date.
The monthly discount, ie the rate you pay to the public utilities, is calculated based on your expected annual electricity consumption and the current prices. To estimate your estimated energy use, last year's consumption is the benchmark. The energy consumption depends on the used electrical appliances, the living area, the building envelope and the number of people living in the household.
The estimated cost of annual consumption is divided into eleven deductions, which you make as a monthly installment. With the annual accounts at the end of the year, we bill the partial payments made with your actual consumption.
The ÖkoMax tariff is the most sustainable electricity supply - because customers receive 100 percent green electricity and at the same time support the expansion of renewable energy generation plants with 0.5 cents per kilowatt-hour consumed. Because the municipal utilities put in the same amount again, a total of 1 cent per consumed kilowatt-hour flows into the expansion of renewable projects. What happened with the cent so far, read here:
Report in the Report in the customer magazine NetzWerk No. 23 2019
Mit einem Doppeltarifzählersystem profitieren Sie von der Möglichkeit, Ihren Verbrauch in die günstigen Niedertarifzeiten verschieben zu können. Ab einem Jahresverbrauch von über 2.500 kWh und einem Niedertarifanteil von ca. 50 Prozent (= 1.250 kWh) lohnt sich bereits die getrennte Erfassung von Hoch- und Niedertarifverbräuchen für Sie.
In order to determine whether it pays off for you to switch to the "Day & Night" tariff, we recommend that you record your electricity consumption over a period of at least two weeks at the specified switching times. You will receive an assistant form in the
Taxes, duties and assessments
Die Steuern- und Abgabenlast des Strompreises beträgt bei einem angenommenen Verbrauch von 3.500 kWh pro Jahr im Grundversorgertarif ca. 31 %. Darin enthalten sind die Stromsteuer, die Umlage nach KWKG, die Offshore-Netzumlage, die § 19-StromNEV-Umlage, die § 18 Umlage für abschaltbare Lasten und die Konzessionsabgabe an Städte und Gemeinden sowie die Mehrwertsteuer.
Regulated network charges
Der Anteil an Ihrem Strompreis, der auf Grund der Benutzung des Stromnetzes an den Netzbetreiber abgeführt werden muss, macht ca. 23 % aus. Der Netzbetreiber wiederum investiert damit in die Versorgungssicherheit, also in Instandhaltung, Ausbau und Modernisierung des Versorgungsnetzes.
Electricity procurement, sales and service
Die verbleibenden 46 % Ihrer Stromkosten werden für die Strombeschaffung, sprich Erzeugung oder Einkauf des Stroms, den Vertrieb und Service verwendet. Die Beschaffungskosten werden vor allem durch die weltweit steigende Nachfrage nach Energie bestimmt.
Sie haben Fragen zu den Rechnungsbestandteilen? In unserer interaktiven Rechnungserläuterung erhalten Sie Antworten.
Do you have any further questions?
Our customer service would be happy to assist you more.
We are glad to be here for you:
Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 and on
Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00
Service number: 0800 0871 871
or write one e-mail at: