Courses safely in the city bus
Mobile Plus! for seniors
Mobile plus! is a program for seniors and handicapped people, which is offered by the volunteer agency Landshut (fala) and Stadtwerke Landshut. Being mobile is a basic human need. Being able to look after oneself and engage in social activities increases the quality of life.
The aim of Mobil plus is to provide safety training with hands-on exercises to help people into their own mobility into old age. Participants in the mobility course can practice entry and exit, for example, in a specially provided city bus.
If you are no longer confident that you are traveling alone with the city bus, the fala will provide you with a volunteer, trained coach companion.
Further information on Mobil plus !, the current dates for the mobility courses as well as the requirements for volunteering are available at available.
Contact information via telephone 0871 2066 2730 or by e-mail
Cool2school for teens
Since 2008, volunteer school bus drivers have been on the way in the city buses of the Stadtwerke Landshut to ensure orderliness at the stops in front of the schools and in the school buses. Schulbuslotsen are young people from the age of 14 from a total of six Landshut schools. The young people help to prevent conflicts and to settle difficult situations.
The project is organized by the volunteer agency Landshut (fala) in cooperation with Stadtwerke Landshut, the traffic police and the police station Landshut. In addition, the Dominik Brunner Foundation supports the project.
Interested students can get information at the secretariat of their school or contact the fala ( turn.
Contact information via telephone 0871 2066 2730 or by e-mail