Meter operation
On this page you will find everything about the topics »SmartMeter, »Measuring point access and »Measuring Point Operating Law.
Smart meters
Modern measuring equipment
A modern measuring equipment is a digital electricity meter. In addition to the current meter reading, this also shows the consumption by days, months and years for the last 24 months.
These data remain in the meter and are not transmitted to the network operator or a third party.
Digital electricity meters do not send and receive data. When a tenant changes, the data recorded in the meter can be deleted.
The meter reading of the modern measuring system is once again read once a year by Stadtwerke Landshut or the customers themselves.
By the way: The electricity consumption of the meter is not measured, so you do not have to pay this as a customer.
Intelligent measuring system
One intelligent measuring system ("Smart Meter") besteht aus einer modernen Messeinrichtung und einer Kommunikationseinheit und wird ab 2020 für alle Stromkunden mit einem Verbrauch von über 6.000 Kilowattstunden pro Jahr Pflicht. Die zusätzliche Kommunikationseinheit wird auch Smart Meter Gateway genannt. Dieses empfängt die Daten vom digitalen Stromzähler und leitet sie verschlüsselt an berechtigte Marktteilnehmer weiter, beispielsweise an den Stromlieferanten oder Netzbetreiber.
The data transmission is strictly based on the technical rules of the Federal Office for Information Security in Information Technology (BSI) and the requirements of the legislator. The Smart Meter Gateway can also receive data. The utilities and network operators receive a daily log that breaks down the consumption or feed-in of the respective previous day into 15-minute intervals. Customers can access their own consumption via an online portal.
Informationen über Smart Meter erhalten Sie auch in unserem Film Einbau eines Smart Meters.
What is a meter operator?
These are the companies that install, operate and maintain electricity meters. The measuring point operator can, but does not have to be, identical to the electricity supplier or grid operator and can be freely chosen by anyone. The measuring point operator is indicated on the electricity bill. Legislators are obliged to implement the installation of the new equipment. In Landshut, these are Stadtwerke Landshut.
In our brochure "Digitization of the Energiewende" you will find further information and answers to the most frequently asked questions about smart meters.
Digitization of the energy transition
What is the background of the installation of digital electricity meters?
By 2032, all households will be equipped with a digital electricity meter. By installing these state-of-the-art measuring systems or smart meters, we informed our customers in our measuring station area in September 2018 for the first time comprehensively about a report in our customer magazine.
How can I save energy?
You can find our helpful energy saving tips in the area energy services.
Meter access to electricity and natural gas
The measuring point operator framework agreement regulates the rights and obligations to carry out metering point operation at the measuring points of final consumers in the electricity and / or gas sector by a metering point operator commissioned by the connection user in the network area of the network operator Stadtwerke Landshut.
The metering point contract for final consumers and plant operators regulates the rights and obligations of contracting parties as well as the settlement modalities for metering point operation between Stadtwerke Landshut and the final consumers for which their supplier no longer fulfills these functions.