Kinder trinken Leitungswasser


Of course, clean and delicious

The drinking water from Stadtwerke Landshut is an ideal thirst quencher. It comes fresh and natural from the tap. Several times a year we leave the Fountain take samples in the Siebensee and Schlossberg water protection areas and at various points in the pipeline network and examine them through a laboratory.

water quality

Drinking water is one of the most strictly monitored foods ever. Basically, the quality of the water depends on the nature of the substrate, but also on the man-made influences. Artificial fertilizer and liquid manure, which farmers bring to the fields, are included, for example. Stadtwerke Landshut, in cooperation with the farmers, has targeted these influenceable factors at an early stage.

Since 1994, we have been committed to sustainable management of the water protection area in Siebensee in the Landshut West, where most of our drinking water is extracted. The Stadtwerke bought or leased a total of 80 hectares of land and leased them to organic farmers. The trusting and partnership-based cooperation with the organic farmers as well as with the conventionally operating enterprises in the vicinity of the water protection area have contributed to the fact that the Landshut drinking water has a sustainable and consistently high quality. The measured values are regularly far below the statutory limits.

Die aktuellen Analyseergebnisse für das gesamte Versorgungsgebiet (Versorgungsgrenze Wasser = Stadtgebiet) können Sie dem Trinkwasser-Prüfbericht entnehmen.

Wasser in einem Glas

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) & information about water quality

Can you drink Landshut drinking water from the tap?

Yes, the Landshut drinking water is of the highest quality. It is constantly being examined by an independent laboratory. The measured values are regularly far below the statutory limits. Equally important for the water quality, however, are the condition and suitability of the water pipes in the house. If there are pipes in a building that contaminate the water, the best water quality is of no use.

Steht Trinkwasser über einen längeren Zeitraum von mehreren Stunden oder sogar Tagen in den Leitungen spricht man von Stagnationswasser. Dieses Wasser ist nicht mehr frisch und kann verunreinigt
sein. Sorgen Sie daher  für regelmäßige Wasserentnahme und Abtrennung nicht genutzter Leitungsabschnitte.

Ratgeber des Bundesumweltministeriums „Trink was – Trinkwasser aus dem Hahn“

What is the water hardness of the water in Landshut?

Das Landshuter Trinkwasser ist in den Härtebereich „hart“ eingestuft (entsprechend des Wasch- und Reinigungsmittelgesetzes).

Calcium: 102 mg/l | Magnesium: 27,4 mg/l | Kalium: 2,5 mg/l

Die Härte des Wassers spielt beim Waschen der Wäsche eine erhebliche Rolle. Bitte halten Sie sich bei der Dosierung an die Angaben der Waschmittelhersteller. Die Auswirkung der Wasserhärte wird von den meisten Waschmitteln durch die Zugabe von Phosphaten gemildert. Phosphate haben allerdings den Nachteil, dass sie die Flüsse und Seen mit Nährstoffen überdüngen. Durch richtige Waschmitteldosierung, die von der jeweiligen Wasserhärte abhängig ist, können Sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Gewässerschutz leisten.

Is the tap water also suitable for baby food?

According to the recommendation of the Federal Environmental Agency it can be used to prepare baby food. The Federal Environment Agency recommends preparing baby food only with bottled water if the nitrate limit value of the TrinkwV (50 mg / l) is exceeded. In Landshut, the limit has fallen almost fourfold. The current measured value you can the Drinking Water Test Report Landshut remove.

Kann ich mein Leitungswasser zu Hause untersuchen lassen?

Die Wasserqualität im Trinkwassernetz wird durch die Stadtwerke Landshut lückenlos nach den Anforderungen der Trinkwasserverordnung überwacht. Die Stadtwerke Landshut liefern chemisch und bakteriologisch einwandfreies Trinkwasser.

Die Zuständigkeit der Stadtwerke Landshut endet aber bei der Einführung in die Gebäude. Ab dem Wasserzähler sind die Betreiber der Trinkwasser-Installation dafür verantwortlich, dass die Trinkwasserqualität bis zur letzten Zapfstelle im eigenen Haus erhalten bleibt. In der Regel sind das die Eigentümer des Gebäudes. Die Stadtwerke Landshut nehmen daher keine Wasserproben innerhalb einer privaten Hausinstallation.

Akkreditierte Laboratorien, die für Untersuchungen der ‎Trinkwasser-Installation zugelassen sind, ‎finden ‎Sie unter

Why is the nitrate level in Landshut so low?

Basically, the quality of the water depends on the nature of the substrate, but also on the man-made influences. Artificial fertilizer and liquid manure, which farmers bring to the fields, are included, for example. Stadtwerke Landshut, in cooperation with the farmers, has targeted these influenceable factors at an early stage. Since 1994, public utilities have been committed to the sustainable management of the water protection area in Siebensee so that less fertilizer and manure are introduced. The Stadtwerke bought or leased a total of 80 hectares of land and leased them to organic farmers.

The trusting and partnership-based cooperation with the organic farmers as well as with the conventionally operating enterprises in the vicinity of the water protection area have contributed to the fact that the Landshut drinking water has a sustainable and consistently high quality.

Sind Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylverbindungen (PFAS) im Trinkwasser?

Die Stadtwerke Landshut untersuchen bereits seit vielen Jahren das Trinkwasser auf Inhaltstoffe, für die es keinen Grenzwert nach der Trinkwasserverordnung gibt. Die nächsten Jahre werden in der Trinkwasserverordnung schrittweise Grenzwerte für verschiedene Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylverbindungen (PFAS) eingeführt. Das Landshuter Trinkwasser unterschreitet bereits heute alle zukünftigen relevanten Grenzwerte deutlich. An den wichtigsten Brunnen sind keine PFAS nachweisbar.

Are there pharmaceutical residues or microplastics in drinking water?

Stadtwerke Landshut exclusively uses groundwater. This feeds mainly from rainwater, which seeps through several layers of soil and is thereby filtered. It is only influenced to a small extent by bank filtrates. Bank filtrate refers to drinking water that comes from wells that are located near rivers or lakes. There is a greater risk of contamination in surface waters, such as B. in drinking water dams. Therefore, if at all, only a slight influence on the Landshut drinking water is to be expected.

Trotzdem lassen die Stadtwerke Landshut das Trinkwasser im Pumpwerk regelmäßig auf pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe / Arzneimittelrückstände und andere Spurenstoffe untersuchen. Die letzte Untersuchung im Juni 2023 konnte keine der untersuchten Stoffe an unserem wichtigsten Brunnen nachweisen. Untersucht wurden unter anderem pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe (z. B. Acetylsalicylsäure, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen etc.), Antibiotika, Röntgenkontrastmittel und weitere Stoffe.

How can I prevent unwanted overconsumption?

Steady dripping is known to cave in the stone. However, if the tap drips, licking a pipe or a valve, this is reflected in the consumption statement. Here are a few simple tips for tenants, owners and caretakers of residential complexes to get rid of unwanted extra consumption and eliminate:

  • In principle, Stadtwerke Landshut recommends the regular maintenance of the drinking water installation by a correspondingly qualified installer.
  • Check safety valves of hot water systems or central heating systems regularly or have them checked by a specialist.
  • Check piping systems for leaks: Close all water consumption points. If the water meter comes to a standstill everything is fine. If he keeps turning, there is a leak somewhere. That is what to look for.
  • Regularly, for example monthly, write down the consumption values. Especially if it is a water meter shaft outside the house or the property is uninhabited.
  • Pay attention to running toilet flushing systems: After flushing, no more water may escape.
  • Replace dripping taps and shower heads.
  • Leaky hose systems: The garden water hose should never be left under operating pressure.
Frau mit Wasserglas in der Hand


At Stadtwerke Landshut you get the best drinking water quality at fair prices. The water price calculation is based on the current BDEW * guideline. Basis of the calculation approach is to promote a steady modernization of the water supply and to stabilize the value preservation, thus to prevent a creeping disinvestment.

The water prices as well as the Ordinance on General Conditions for the Supply of Water (AVBWasserV) and the supplementary provisions in the respectively valid version are part of the supply contract.

* BDEW = Federal Association of the Energy and Water Industries


or fill in online:


for the supply of electricity, natural gas, water, heat

1. Contact details

2. Bank account

3rd previous tenant

4. owner

5th move

Here you will find all references to our
" Data protection.

signing off

Print a cancellation:

or fill in online:

signing off

the purchase of electricity, natural gas, water, heat

1. Contact details

2. Your new address

3. Bank account

4. Nachmieter (if known)

5. owner

6th excerpt

Here you will find all references to our
" Data protection.

Your way to the water house connection

  1. Contact: Please send us by e-mail or by post a copy of the map and the room in which the connection is to be made. Please fill in also the Application for grid connection as well as that Form for calculating peak flow out, so that we can dimension your house connection correctly.
  2. Offer: On the basis of your submitted documents, you will receive an offer for your water service connection.
  3. Confirmation: By signing the order form, you confirm the quotation and at the same time issue us the grid connection order.
  4. Appointment: After a short processing time, you can then contact the responsible master of Stadtwerke Landshut in consultation with your contractor, architect or installer to make an appointment. Please allow for seasonal lead times of about 4 weeks.
  5. Completion: When the installer finishes the installation, we attach a water meter - and there's nothing standing in the way of a shower.
Frisches Trinkwasser aus dem Wasserhahn

Do you have questions about the house connection?

Phone: 0871 1436 2054

Do you have any further questions?

Our customer service would be happy to assist you more.

We are glad to be here for you:
from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00 and
Saturday from 09:00 to 13:00

Service number: 0800 0871 871

or write one e-mail at:

Mitarbeiter im Kundenservice der Stadtwerke Landshut