A badge for water protection
The first sticker "No waste water in this gully" is set. Landshut's Lord Mayor Alexander Putz and ÖDP City Councilor Elke März-Granda had the honor of sticking Bavaria's first warning aluminum plaque to a street gully in a separation canal area in the Landshuter Wolfsburg settlement. The badge is to contribute to the fact that no more dirty water, for example, from the car wash, out of ignorance on the nearest street drain in a rainwater channel is disposed of and so can go directly into a body of water or in the groundwater. "The use of the badge is a contribution that directly serves the protection of water and groundwater," said Putz. And Elke März-Granda added: "The pollution often happens out of ignorance." Before now protect this plaque, which is also understood by its design of citizens without knowledge of German.
In Switzerland, such badges have been around for some time. That is why ÖDP City Councilor Elke März-Granda asked as part of a city council application for the examination of whether such plaques are also practicable in Landshut. This resulted in a pilot project with the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection and the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) and Stadtwerke Landshut, which are responsible for wastewater disposal in the independent city.
In the northern Wolfgangsiedlung, all affected gully inlets, a total of 183, will be marked in the rainwater channels with a badge "No waste water in this gully" of the DWA Bavaria this summer or fall and tested in practice over a period of two years , These include installation effort and durability. Finally, the badges are exposed to wind and weather as well as brush cleaning by cleaning vehicles, the clearing blades of snow removal vehicles, etc.
It also aims to examine citizens' acceptance and gather information for a cost-benefit analysis. The Bavarian Ministry of the Environment has promised the project a pilot subsidy of 50 percent of the costs of the plaque campaign. Essentially, these are costs for material and assembly. The area to which the sticker with special adhesive is applied must be prepared with a milling cutter. The Ministry of the Environment and Water Management Landshut also accompany the project as part of a bachelor thesis. "We are currently writing the thesis," said government director Thomas Schranner. If the pilot project in the northern Wolfsburg settlement is successful, the action will be extended to all separation system areas of the city of Landshut.
About one third of the urban area Landshut is drained in the so-called "sewer system". This means that there are separate sewage and rainwater channels. Rainwater drains off in separate channels to relieve the rest of the drainage system - in the case of the northern Wolfsburg settlement, rainwater is channeled into infiltration systems. In separation channel areas, special care must be taken to ensure that only clean precipitation water reaches the rainwater channel.
Since many citizens do not know whether they live in a mixed water or Trennkanalgebiet and often dirty because of ignorance waters, now a warning badge should be attached to the affected gullies.
"Conversely, this does not mean that dirty water can be poured into an unmarked gully. Also road sink boxes in mixed sewer areas are only intended for rainwater, "emphasized Dr. med. Andreas Schuster, Division Manager of Stadtwerke Landshut.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
From Monday, August 5, 2019, remediation work will be carried out in the crossing area Hagrainer Straße / Marschallstraße / Schönbrunner Straße. In addition, the intersection will receive a new pavement due to the pipeline work carried out in recent years. The entire measure is expected to last until Friday, August 23, 2019, provided the weather plays along. Due to the company holidays of the contracted construction company in the 33rd calendar week, the work is interrupted.
Due to the construction work, the line will be 5 from Tuesday, 06.08. until 09.08.2019 such as from 19.08. until 23.08.2019 via the Schönbrunnerstraße, Oberhoferweg and Niedermayerstraße.
The traffic towards Moniberg is still possible; Also, the stops located in this train are served as usual.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
Ergolding. Because of the Linde Festival of the volunteer fire department, the Lindenstraße is closed on Sunday, 04.08.2019, from 6 to 24 clock for all traffic. The diversion of the city bus lines 2 and 12 and the evening line 102 is on Sunday all day in both directions on the road "Am Gänsgraben". The stops "Ergolding / Rathaus", "Bahnhofstraße" and "Peterskirche" can not be reached during this time.
Along the detour route spare stops are set up in both directions.
These are located at the crossroads Am Gänsgraben / Jägergasse, Am Gänsgraben / Weichselgasse and Am Gänsgraben / Bäckerstraße. The departure times remain the same as at the original stops.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
"Cool2School" project again successful: At the end of the school year on Tuesday morning Gabriele Maresch, project manager at the volunteer agency Landshut (Fala), gave the committed school bus drivers a certificate as thanks for their volunteer work. The Stadtwerke also rewarded the students with a gift - the students were allowed to choose between a 10th ticket for the swimming school or a free August monthly ticket for the city buses and were invited to a lunch in the city pool.
Volunteer and volunteer school bus drivers have been on the way in the city buses of the Stadtwerke Landshut for eleven years to ensure order in the school buses and at the stops and to settle conflicts. "The problems are often in the details and details can not solve the state," said Mayor Erwin Schneck, who also brought the thanks of the Lord Mayor Alexander Putz. With details, Schneck said, among other things, avoiding fights, prevent property damage and thefts and act as a link between bus driver, transport company and school. "All these details are tasks of the school bus pilots, and thus you are problem solvers of the city of Landshut," said Schneck appreciated the commitment of the young people.
The most industrious Lotsin in the school year 2018/2019 was by far the student Hannah of the State Realschule with 300 missions. She received an additional price for her special commitment. A total of 58 students took part in the Cool2School project. Forty-one of them handed out a full 50-ticket booklet, which students will receive as soon as they use the cool2school armband.
How to become a school bus driver? The Fala organizes a basic training at the start of the school year by the traffic guard. After a training seminar on civil courage by the police, the students then perform their honorary office permanently. They are in close contact with the school, the Fala and the public transport company Stadtwerke Landshut. That the volunteer school bus drivers contribute to the de-escalation in dicey situations and support the bus drivers, this is what Stadtwerke and Verkehrswacht agree on.
The "Cool2School" project is organized by the Fala in cooperation with the Stadtwerke Landshut, the Verkehrswacht and the police inspection Landshut and financially supported by the Dominik Brunner Foundation.
In the 2018/2019 school year, the State Business School, the secondary school Schönbrunn, the State Realschule, the Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium, the State Technical College and the Hans-Leinberger-Gymnasium participated. The project will continue in the coming school year. Information about this is available to interested persons in the secretariat of their school and at the Fala under info@freiwilligen-agentur-landshut.de.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
On Thursday, June 14, 2018, a company outing will take place for the employees of Stadtwerke Landshut. The headquarters at Christoph-Dorner-Straße is closed on this day. The customer center in the Old Town 74 is open from 9am to 6pm.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
Stadtwerke Landshut will adjust the water prices on 1 August 2019. On Friday afternoon, 5 July 2019, the plenary unanimously approved the price increase. The consumption price increases by 0.09 euros per cubic meter (1,000 liters). The monthly basic prices remain the same.
On average, the increase is between four and five percent. With a consumption of 150 cubic meters per year (three- to four-person household) that means in absolute terms 1.13 euros (including VAT) more per month.
Water price adjustment has become necessary as more investment is required in the coming years and operating costs are rising. The largest share of the investments will go into the continuous renewal of the pipeline network in order to secure the long-term supply. In addition, the refurbishment of the main building with tubular cellar and the general overhaul of the pumps are in progress at the Siebensee pumping station. At the high tank Annaberg a pump has to be replaced.
Stadtwerke Landshut also regularly compares the prices of other, comparable utilities for price adjustments. Here it can be seen that the water prices are moving in the lower midfield after the increase.
The water price calculation is based on the current BDEW guideline. Basis of the calculation approach is to promote a steady modernization of the water supply and to stabilize the value preservation, thus to prevent a creeping disinvestment. In the latest water price calculation, Stadtwerke Landshut was accompanied by the auditing firm PWC.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
The Stadtwerke can be reached by phone again. The fault in the cable Germany / Vodafone network has been fixed. The fault call numbers for electricity, gas, water and heat (telephone numbers 0871 / 1436-2109 and -2110) are thus in operation again. The customer service is under the number 0800 0871 871 (free of charge from the German landline) to reach again.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
Due to a large-scale disruption in the cable Germany / Vodafone network Stadtwerke Landshut are currently not available. Customers wishing to report a fault in the electricity or gas network are kindly requested to call 112. According to information from the public utilities, it will take until the early afternoon, until the disorder is resolved.
The telephone malfunction affects all public utilities of the Stadtwerke, including Stadtbad and Verkehrsbetrieb. The customer service in the customer center Altstadt 74 can be reached on site and by e-mail (info [at] stadtwerke-landshut.de).
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
From July 4 to 6, 2019, additional city buses will run from the city center to Burg Trausnitz every 10 or 15 minutes on the occasion of the Burgfest. The shuttle is via breakpoints "Grieserwiese", "Burgparkplatz", "Finanzbehörden" and "Altstadt". On the 4th and 5th of July the rides will start at 4.25 pm in the old town and at 4.30 pm on the Grieserwiese and will drive the castle Trausnitz every 15 minutes until 20.55 or 21.00. The return trips start at the Burgparkplatz at 10 pm and are served by the tollgate Finanzverwaltung-Altstadt-Grieserwiese every 10 minutes until 1 am
On Saturday, July 6, 2019, departures begin at 14.25 in the Old Town and at 14.30 on the Grieserwiese. Up to 20.55 or 21 clock on these two days there is also the possibility to come every 15 minutes to the castle Trausnitz. The return trips start again from 22 clock at Burgparkplatz and are served via the route tax authority-Altstadt-Grieserwiese every 10 minutes to 1 clock.
Persons who have an entrance ticket can use the lines of Stadtwerke Landshut free of charge from two hours before the start of the event.
The timetable is up www.stadtwerke-landshut.de published for download.
The breakpoint "Grieserwiese" is located directly on the Grieserwiese, because the actual stop on the Wittstraße can not be approached because of the road rehabilitation.
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222
A smooth supply of electricity, gas and water is a matter of course in Landshut. The municipal utilities are there for that. The fact that just-in-time delivery works reliably and safely is of fundamental importance to everyone. In order to ensure this, Stadtwerke Landshut can be voluntarily tested by the associations DVGW (German Association of the Gas and Water Industry) and FNN (Forum Netztechnik und Netzbetrieb in the VDE) for the gas, water and electricity supply sectors. The associations have developed extensive guides that are constantly updated to keep up with the latest developments. Those who pass the exams are rewarded with a certificate for technical safety management and receive the so-called TSM seal. It is valid for five years, after which a re-examination is required.
Stadtwerke received a certificate for electricity as well as for gas and water at the beginning of the year. On Friday, 24.05.2019, the managing director of DVGW Landesgruppe Bayern, Jörn-Helge Möller, handed over the certificates personally in Landshut. It was the second test for the electricity sector and the third for gas and water. "This again confirms that our construction and operating processes have a high safety standard," says Markus Huber. He and his colleague Daniel Hammerl, as technical executives at Stadtwerke, are responsible for implementing the TSM requirements for the certified supply lines.
A TSM exam is very extensive. More than 500 questions from different topics have to be answered and answered. The auditors not only see documentation or reports, but also get an idea of whether the employees are qualified according to current requirements, whether all machines and systems are properly maintained and whether all technical standards or regulations of the employers' liability insurance association are observed.
Many employees are ultimately involved in technical safety management in some form. The technical safety management is not as well known in the public as, for example, the certifications according to the DIN standards series. But for a utility company, TSM is the more important management system, as it very precisely verifies the very specific requirements of the care business. Overall, the auditors in their final report attested to an excellently functioning TSM for the sectors examined.
The sewage sector of Stadtwerke was also certified four years ago. Here, too, the auditors confirmed a high-performance organization that ensures safe, reliable and environmentally friendly sanitation with qualified staff and good technical equipment. The next re-certification, which is also required after five years, is already in the starting blocks.
The District Heating division is also preparing for the first TSM exam. And in the area of production, the municipal utilities would like to be certified afterwards. "Our goal is to establish the TSM in all areas of municipal utilities, where possible," says plant manager Armin Bardelle. "The TSM is a good tool for us, which supports the reliable, customer-oriented and economic fulfillment of our diverse tasks. And by the confirmation from the outside, the certification ultimately has more weight than a mere self-declaration. "
Contact for more information:
Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222