Customer Service
On this page you will find everything about the topic »Moving message, »Customer card, "Beware of scammers, »Comments & complaints, »Customer Center, »Customer magazine, » SWLApp, " Events, "Builders and »Installer directory.
announcement of moving
Sie planen einen Umzug und sind schon Kunde bei uns? Dann können Sie sich über unsere Online-Formulare einfach an- und ummelden.
Important: For systemic reasons it is necessary for you to obtain a closing date-specific final invoice for your previous residence during a move fill in both forms: the deregistration to end the care at the previous place of residence and the registration for the new place of residence.
Please think Payment by direct debit It also gave us a completed and signed SEPA Lastschriftmandat to send by mail.
Wenn Sie Fragen haben, sind wir im Kundenzentrum Altstadt 74 gerne persönlich für Sie da.
You are not yet a customer and would like to register again? Then try our tariff consultant for electricity and or natural gas.

Print a cancellation:
or fill in online:
Print the application:
or fill in online:
»Customer card
Exclusively for our electricity customers
With our debit card Get attractive discounts on regional retail. Collect immediately and without expensive points.

Beware of scammers
Tips for dealing with dubious calls and dubious representatives
Again and again, customers in the Stadtwerke customer center report that they receive unsolicited calls from other providers or that dubious representatives at the door demand a contract signature. In some cases, the persons even pretend to be alleged employees of Stadtwerke Landshut.
Good to know: You will always receive important contract information in writing.
Stadtwerke Landshut do not make any unsolicited telephone calls or doorstep sales to offer cheaper rates. Employees of the public utilities can show a badge.
Did you receive a dubious call or visit from another energy provider?
Then please contact Stadtwerke Landshut. Either in person in the customer center in the old town 74, by calling the service number 0800 0871 871 (free of charge from the German landline) or by e-mail at, We will assist you in pursuing the matter.
By the way: Customers who are quite sure from whom they have been called, can also complain to the Federal Network Agency:,
Phone: 0291 99 55 206,
- Do not be put under pressure by hectic or aggressive behavior of the other person. Always ask if you did not understand something.
- Under no circumstances should you provide the following information:
- Bank data
- Counter numbers or counter readings
- customer number
- For unsolicited calls, take the best notes:
- Name of the conversation partner
- Telephone number of the caller
- Company Name
- Name of the offered tariffs
- Date and time of the call
- Content of the call (bullet points)
- Avoid saying "yes" to unsolicited calls. This is often abused as a contract.
- Hang up the phone or close the door if you feel uncomfortable.
Comments & complaints
Would you like to share your suggestions, ideas or benevolent words? Then we look forward to hearing from you.
This also applies to constructive criticism. Because, of course, we know that we are not always perfect - where work is done, chips also fly. Therefore, in order to develop ourselves, we are dependent on your feedback. Constructive criticism puts us in a position to turn on the set screws, which we may have found to be correct in our opinion, but can analyze and readjust thanks to a hint. So if you have noticed an issue unpleasant, we would ask you to give us in direct exchange at least one chance to eliminate the defect or to improve the quality.

customer center
In our customer center Altstadt 74 you receive competent and personal advice on the diverse range of public utilities - and right in the heart of the city center. Even in the electronic age, there are issues that can be better clarified in a personal conversation.
In the customer center you benefit as a customer from personal contact on site. Due to its central location, a city tour without additional ways can be quickly and easily combined with a visit to the municipal utilities. The Customer Center is open for you six days a week. Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm and Saturday from 9am to 1pm.
- Timetables, bus tickets
- Season tickets for the city bath
- free, comprehensive energy advice
- Savings advantages of the customer card
- Advice on electricity, gas, district heating, water
- Services: data changes, product changes, answers to questions about the bill
…and much more
Information for all cash depositors: The cash machine is located in the entrance area of the Stadtwerke headquarters at Christoph-Dorner-Straße 9, 84028 Landshut. This can be reached from 6 am to 10 pm with the customer card.
Please note that there is no customer center in the Stadtwerke headquarters at Christoph-Dorner-Straße.
customer Magazine
Vier Mal im Jahr informieren wir Sie mit unserem Kundenmagazin NetzWerk über Neuigkeiten und Geschichten rund um die Stadtwerke. Es liegt im Kundenzentrum zur Mitnahme bereit und wird zudem per Post verteilt. Hier können Sie online die letzten drei Ausgaben nachlesen. Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint im März 2025.
- Dynamischer Stromtarif – was zu beachten ist
- Baustelle in der Altstadt: Wasserleitung wird 2025 ausgetauscht
- Jahresabrechnung: Zählerstände werden bis 7. Januar erfasst
- ÖPNV in Landshut: Fahrgäste zufriedener als Bundesdurchschnitt
- Wie sich vor 110 Jahren die Stromversorgung weiterentwickelte
- Spartenauskunft: Wo liegt eigentlich welche Leitung?
- ÖPNV: Neue Busse für die Flotte – und wie es weitergeht
- Ausbildung: Teamspieler für viele Berufsbilder gesucht
- Bewegte Geschichte des Maxwehrs
- Trinkwasser: Tipps gegen Legionellengefahr
- Starkregenvorsorge: Neues Kanalbauwerk in Auloh
- ÖPNV in Landshut: Busbegleiter erzählen von ihren Aufgaben
» SWLApp
Verbindungs- und Fahrplanauskunft, Informationen zu Busumleitungen, Auslastungsanzeige der Parkhäuser, einen Störungsmelder: Die SWLApp vereint diese und viele weitere Funktionen in einer App für Landshut.
Here, builders, construction companies, planners, architects and installers receive helpful information house connections of electricity, gas, water, district heating and canal as well as to Planning and routing information.

»Installer directory
For domestic installations, the expert should ran. Here you will find an overview of the contract installers gas and water Stadtwerke Landshut.