Problem solver of the city

"Cool2School" school bus guides receive certificates for their commitment

Press release from July 23, 2019

"Cool2School" project again successful: At the end of the school year on Tuesday morning Gabriele Maresch, project manager at the volunteer agency Landshut (Fala), gave the committed school bus drivers a certificate as thanks for their volunteer work. The Stadtwerke also rewarded the students with a gift - the students were allowed to choose between a 10th ticket for the swimming school or a free August monthly ticket for the city buses and were invited to a lunch in the city pool.

Volunteer and volunteer school bus drivers have been on the way in the city buses of the Stadtwerke Landshut for eleven years to ensure order in the school buses and at the stops and to settle conflicts. "The problems are often in the details and details can not solve the state," said Mayor Erwin Schneck, who also brought the thanks of the Lord Mayor Alexander Putz. With details, Schneck said, among other things, avoiding fights, prevent property damage and thefts and act as a link between bus driver, transport company and school. "All these details are tasks of the school bus pilots, and thus you are problem solvers of the city of Landshut," said Schneck appreciated the commitment of the young people.

The most industrious Lotsin in the school year 2018/2019 was by far the student Hannah of the State Realschule with 300 missions. She received an additional price for her special commitment. A total of 58 students took part in the Cool2School project. Forty-one of them handed out a full 50-ticket booklet, which students will receive as soon as they use the cool2school armband.

How to become a school bus driver? The Fala organizes a basic training at the start of the school year by the traffic guard. After a training seminar on civil courage by the police, the students then perform their honorary office permanently. They are in close contact with the school, the Fala and the public transport company Stadtwerke Landshut. That the volunteer school bus drivers contribute to the de-escalation in dicey situations and support the bus drivers, this is what Stadtwerke and Verkehrswacht agree on.

The "Cool2School" project is organized by the Fala in cooperation with the Stadtwerke Landshut, the Verkehrswacht and the police inspection Landshut and financially supported by the Dominik Brunner Foundation.

In the 2018/2019 school year, the State Business School, the secondary school Schönbrunn, the State Realschule, the Hans-Carossa-Gymnasium, the State Technical College and the Hans-Leinberger-Gymnasium participated. The project will continue in the coming school year. Information about this is available to interested persons in the secretariat of their school and at the Fala under


Contact for more information:

Susanne Franck
Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications
Stadtwerke Landshut
Phone: (0871) 1436 2222

Image: The committed school bus drivers with Gabriele Maresch and Mayor Erwin Schneck (from left) as well as plant manager Armin Bardelle (back row). © Stadtwerke Landshut

Image 2: The dedicated school bus drivers with Gabriele Maresch and Mayor Erwin Schneck (from left) as well as plant manager Armin Bardelle (back row). © Stadtwerke Landshut

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